This offering comes to you between nature’s year-end, and the Gregorian calendar’s year end. In this precious moment, we can take inventory, learn from 2023, select the right things for composting, and reset our sights for personal growth. Let’s enter the new year with intention, purpose, and a metta-filled heart!
Did you know that our Food Trees program alleviates poverty? This week we share the story of Leonard Ogunyi in Kenya, who started a brick business using crop income from the program.
As we witness the transformation of the earth and inevitably head towards a new year, we receive a golden opportunity to embrace and integrate the cycles of the natural world into the cycles of our own lives.
Despite all the bad stuff in the news, there have been some great advances for the environment in 2020! Yogo's Good in Green series combines our passions for the environment, positive solutions and an optimistic mindset.
Late fall has arrived, and with a pandemic still going, stress-relief is more needed than ever! But with studios closed, how do you "start yoga" at home? It's easy! Here are 6 tips to start a juicy and rewarding yoga practice from home that will actually stick.
Home is where the heart is; or for us, home is where you park it. Vanlife is a simple life. It has to be! There just isn't room for much stuff! We have to prioritize: bringing things that have more than one purpose and leaving others behind.
Read on for reasons that more men are showing up to class, working yoga into their basic fitness, using it to hone athletic performance, and our predictions for the future.